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Version: 9.x

pnpm patch <pkg>

Prepare un paquete para parchear (inspirado en un comando similar en Yarn).

Este comando hará que se extraiga un paquete en un directorio temporal destinado a ser editable a voluntad.

Once you're done with your changes, run pnpm patch-commit <path> (with <path> being the temporary directory you received) to generate a patchfile and register it into your top-level manifest via the patchedDependencies field.


pnpm patch <pkg name>@<version>

If you want to change the dependencies of a package, don't use patching to modify the package.json file of the package. For overriding dependencies, use overrides or a package hook.


--edit-dir &lt;dir>

El paquete que debe parchearse se extraerá a este directorio.


Ignora los archivos de parches existentes al aplicar parches.